Charissa And Arthur Keech
1/14/2020 01:59:14 pm
Alan and family, we are sorry for your loss. Theresa was such a positive member of our community and will be missed. We will keep her in our prayers.
Gina Ciaccia
1/15/2020 01:21:09 am
Theresa was an incredibly thoughtful soul. She always inquired about how I was feeling and continually offered prayers for me. (I have a chronic illness). She knew how to love people and make them feel valued. I miss her already! Rest in peace, friend.
Alexander and Carole Vernon
1/15/2020 05:23:48 am
Theresa's memory is precious to our family and we will rely on her intercession. May your hearts he consoled by the Divine Love at this time.
Troy and Daena Lamoureux
1/15/2020 06:03:48 am
Alan, we are so very sorry to hear about Theresa and are holding you tightly in prayer. We have also requested a mass to be said for the repose of her soul. It will be held this Saturday, Jan 18th, at 11:30 am at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Calgary. May she rest in peace.
1/15/2020 11:45:29 am
You were a light! Eternal rest my dear sister. xo
Tanya Granic Allen and Family
1/15/2020 07:03:29 pm
Dear Alan: We are so sorry. Theresa was a beautiful soul. I still remember the first day we met, and your wedding...I just can't believe it. Rest assured of our prayers. Again, I'm so sorry. I just can't believe it.
Angie Dee
1/16/2020 11:52:23 pm
Dear Alan, I am so sorry to hear about Theresa's passing. She shared a lot of advice with me, medical and otherwise, for my sister who is also struggling with cancer. I will always be grateful for her openness and sharing. May Theresa rest in God's eternal peace, and may Our Lord grant you His peace also. Love and prayers, Angie
Mary Laframboise
1/17/2020 07:07:09 am
Dear Alan, such gifts to know Theresa, yourself and Theresa's Dad , Don. My life has been enriched by each of you.
Rt. Rev. Archpriest Lawrence Gosselin
1/17/2020 01:08:59 pm
+ Dear Alan, I am so aorry to hear of the death and passing oif Theresa. My prayers continue for her and for you and in the blessed assurance that, despite the loss of the great love of your life, there is the deep consolation of knowing that Christ is Risen and that His victory has vanquished the power of death. May her memory be eternal!
Avivah Wargon & Elliott Chapin
1/17/2020 02:28:17 pm
Dear Alan, We are so very sorry. Our visit with the two of you in 2017 was such a pleasure--I remember Theresa's warmth, humour, and sensitivity. And I remember your wedding. May you be supported by your faith and by the prayers and love of all those who grieve with you.
Mary Kitagawa
1/17/2020 03:22:23 pm
Tosh and I send our deepest condolences to you on the loss of your wonderful wife, Theresa. We remember her well, welcoming us into your home to meet your friends from Japan. Our prayers are with you.
Lisa Rumpel
1/17/2020 04:21:19 pm
My sincerest condolences Alan. Theresa was a dear friend and I will miss her greatly. She lived a vibrant and passionate life. She was an inspiration in her suffering. May she Rest In Peace.
Krystyna Zasowski
1/18/2020 11:07:47 am
Dear Alan,
Steve & Mary Bohnen
1/18/2020 03:15:46 pm
Dear Alan, We are so sorry for the loss. You and yours are in our thoughts & prayers.
Liz Fong McLaughlin
1/19/2020 12:04:56 pm
So sorry about Theresa’s passing
Elizabeth Tham
1/19/2020 04:34:20 pm
Dear Alan,
Emmanuella Kim
2/1/2020 11:33:40 am
Dear Alan, 2/1/2020 08:08:21 pm
My intermittent acquaintance with Theresa goes back to a time when she was known as Tessa Smyth. I first met her when I was a catechist and she a student in the church school programme at St. Mary Magdalene, Toronto. Like me she later became a Catholic. Later still she volunteered in the same private school where my own children went. I was at the same Tallis Concert where she shrieked with delight when Alan proposed to her and they married in the same parish church where my wife and I had wed. After moving out to British Columbia we kept in touch electronically. Which Catholic author was it that likened the history of one's faith to the reverse side of a tapestry? We can discern the different colours of thread but it is only the master Weaver who understands the underlying meaning of what has taken shape. How curious it is that towards the end of her life she found herself drawn to the Byzantine rite for I, too, was received into the Church via the Byzantine rite. Her life has been snuffed out way too early but her faith, the love of her life, and the prayers of her circle of friends should see her safely to Heaven's gates. RECQVIESCAT IN PACE.
Randee Holmes
2/2/2020 04:53:43 am
Dear Alan -- I have just learned of Theresa's passing. I am so very sorry for your deep loss. May you find comfort in the family and friends that surround you, and of course, the love of God. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Janice Dyer
2/3/2020 08:39:18 am
Dear Alan, I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Doriano and Patricia Baisi
2/6/2020 10:12:04 am
So sorry to hear of Theresa's passing. Now she is safe in the Lord's Arms -- healthy and whole once again. God bless and comfort you as you mourn.
Josie Grossi
10/13/2021 12:24:19 pm
10/13/2021 12:31:18 pm
She died on my Birthday and I will never forget her ! Comments are closed.
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