3/20/2020 06:48:29 pm
Ryan, you were a one of a kind guy and an amazing coworker. This world is a sad place without you and your smile. You will be missed
3/20/2020 08:04:47 pm
I will always remember the sweet little boy who made an instant connection with my little TJ. I know we loved having you to our house to play on the trampoline. TJ always enjoyed being at your super cool place. You were often a topic of many conversations around the dinner table. Your little boy face could light up a room. Field trips with you in my car, being in my group were always great. You made us laugh .rip
3/21/2020 03:23:18 pm
I didn’t know Ryan too well, but his love for our Mandy was evident whenever they were together. He was such a fun guy that always seemed to want to put a smile on everyone’s faces and make them feel welcome, our thoughts and love go out to his family, and our dear Mandy, we love you! Ryan we hope your causing trouble and a lot of laughs with our Papa up there 💜 Rest In Peace
Shannon Morrison
3/22/2020 02:05:44 pm
Ryan, I will always remember what a kind, caring boy you were when I taught you back in grade six. You were also smart, artistic, and humble. I hope I let you know what a wonderful kid you were, because I certainly thought it. It sounds like you carried on to being a great adult! How wonderful that you saw a lot of the world, put your talents to good use by helping others, and experienced great love. Rest peacefully sweet soul.
Gayle Shea
3/25/2020 03:41:26 pm
Ryan, your wonderful smile, kind and generous heart were cherished by our whole family. You spent so much time with our son Steven both at our house and at yours! Basketball, science projects, parties and so many other activities are things that we fondly remember doing with you. You hold a special place in our hearts, Ry guy! Comments are closed.
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